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Genymotion Plugin for Eclipse

by 신일석 2014. 12. 8.

Genymotion Plugin for Eclipse

The Genymotion plugin for Eclipse allows you to test your application developed with Eclipse IDE. It uses ADB to connect to any active virtual device and push your application. To use the plugin, you need to have the Android Developer Tools plugin for Eclipse installed. In this section, you will be able to install, use the plugin and run Android applications.

Installing the plugin

You can install Genymotion plugin for Eclipse in one of the following ways:

  • Update Site method (recommended);
  • Manual method.

Update Site method (recommended)

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Go to Help/Install New Software menu and click Add.
  3. Fill in the fields with the following values and click OK.
    • Name: Genymotion
    • Location: http://plugins.genymotion.com/eclipse
  4. Expand Genymobile.
  5. Click Select all and Next.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Read and accept the license terms.
  8. Click Finish.
    A security warning indicates that the plugin is not signed; click OK.
  9. Click Yes to restart Eclipse.

The Genymotion plugin button  is displayed in the toolbar.