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가로 세로 모두 사용가능하게 디자인된 삼성핸드폰 키패드

by 신일석 2009. 3. 27.

It appears that the new Alias2 shares the same physical shape and
general functionality of the original, complete with its signature
dual-hinging flip screen. What’s new for ‘09, you ask? Well, how about
the inclusion of a dynamically changing keypad, for starters. According
to what appears to be a leaked product manual,
the Alias2’s keyboard changes “depending upon whether the phone is in
portrait or landscape orientation.” Not too shabby of a feature for a
non-smartphone, mid-tier, Verizon flip-phone.

원문 : http://www.mobilecrunch.com/2009/03/26/verizon-to-replace-samsung-alias-with-dynamic-keypad-equipped-alias2/