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상상이나 해보셨나요? 모바일용 포토샾

by 신일석 2008. 8. 27.

photoshop.com에서 쉽게 upload, view, share를 할 수 있다고 합니다. 근데 이걸 포토샾이라고 해야 하는지... 업로드하고 보는 기능만 제공하면서 이미지 에디팅 툴의 대명사인 포토샾 모바일이라는 이름을 사용한 이유가 뭘까요?
삼성 블랙잭I, II를 지원한다고 나오네요. 국내 버전도 설치는 할 수 있을까 궁금해 집니다.
원문 : http://www.adobe.com/products/pscom/mobile/#phones

Upload from the road

Have Photoshop.com Mobile upload photos from your phone to your Photoshop.com account as soon as you take them. You can store up to 5GB of photos there free. (Note: Photoshop.com Plus members get 20GB. Learn more)

Access anywhere

At a party, in a meeting, on the road — view your online photos and albums from your phone, wherever you are.

Share with friends and family

Create a Mobile Share album right from your phone to show the world, or invite friends and family to view your photos online from Photoshop.com.

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