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MS가 만든 '소셜 북마킹 툴'이 다음달에 뜬다!

by 신일석 2008. 8. 29.
22일자로 좀 지난 소식이지만 흥미로운 정보네요. 북마킹 애플리케이션 프리뷰 버전을 지난 5월에 공개했었는데, RSS로부터 태그를 끌어 온다거나, 델리셔스 자료를 그대로 옮겨올 수 있는 기능 등이 제공된다고 합니다. MSDN이나 테크넷에 이미 공개가 됐었고, 9월 초에 뜹니다.^^

원문 : http://itviewpoint.com/71858

Microsoft is opening up the MSDN, TechNet, and Expression sites to the community, so that technical professionals can better connect with each other, share knowledge, and succeed. Tagging - and especially social bookmarking - are essential ingredients for making this happen.

Back in May, just before TechEd North America, we released a preview version of our new social bookmarking app for MSDN, for TechNet, and for Expression. Since then, thousands of technical professionals from around the world have begun using it to save their web favorites online, share them with others, see what other technical pros are favoriting, and connect with others.

We also got a lot of great feedback on the app itself (thank you!) and I'm happy to say that in early September, we plan on releasing a full version of the app - v 1.0. Here are some new things to look for:

  • Subscribe to Tags or People: Find a tag you want to follow? Or a fellow bookmarker that bookmarks really good stuff? With the new app, it will be easy to get an RSS subscription for that tag or person (as in, click the orange button).
  • Browse & Find Users: Search or browse to find people by their display name (e.g., mine is "johmar") and other criteria.
  • Import Tools: Recognizing that a lot of people already have favorites saved in their browsers or in other social bookmarking sites, the new app will provide a tool for importing your favorites from Microsoft Internet Explorer and from Delicious.
  • Bookmarking Widget: If you have your own blog or other website, our new bookmarking widget will make it easy for people to bookmark your pages directly to their social bookmarks on MSDN, TechNet, or Expression. You'll get traffic from Microsoft when your bookmarked page is published in "social feeds" on our global sites.
  • Availability in 12 Languages: With the September release, the social bookmarking application will be available in Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

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